Tuesday 29 May 2018

Track Breakdown for AVGM#1

Listen to the mix: 

Why Neo Geo?

I can remember being on Holiday and pumping money into one of their multi cart cabinets.  Every time i'd come back to the same games, mainly because the music was always spot on.  Nominally started with Soccer Brawl and Fatal Fury before finding Art of fighting, Samurai Showdown and Windjammers.

The huge price of the home console stopped me looking any further in the 90's despite temptations. I waited till the late 2000's before diving back in with emulation. This time round checking out Magical Drop, Super Dodge Ball and the amazing Waku Waku 7. Also finally a chance to catch up with the outstanding King of Fighters series!


Selecting tracks for the mix was fun. Bit of a nostalgia trip into my teens with tons of rave, rock, funk and hip-hop style tracks to sift through. A lot of songs were pretty amped up, reminding me of the intensity you'd get from playing the actual arcade cabinet. 

I've tried to stick to a couple of genres at points during the mix while including some absolute favourites. I was surprised that the Neo Geo could produce songs as diverse as classical and drum n bass.

Shoot!! (Tiled Court) - Windjammers -1994

Check out the slap bass on this one!  Windjammers have been brought to the fore front recently with a re-release.

Taku-Hatu-Rock (Sokaku Mochizuki) - Real Bout Fatal Fury Special -1997

This track made me picture a blaxploitation film set in Hong Kong...

Exuding Courage (Justice) - Magical Drop II - 1996

Entering the pop section of the mix-tape, a straight up disco number.

Love So 'Radio Active Mix' (Sky Stage 2) - Twinkle Star Sprites -1996

Reminded me a little of 80's Stock Aiken Waterman productions but with a 90's dance remix on top.  The Sky Stage 1 track from this game features the same tune with out the piano loops over the top and a slower beat.

The Sun Also Sets - Waku Waku 7 - 1996

Waku Waku 7 is a bonkers but entertaining fighting game which features some cracking characters.  One of them is explorer extraordinare Dandy J who's stage music this track features.  Action packed wild western with awesome harmonica solo.

Street Battle (Area 2) - NAM-1975 - 1990

Got an 80's action movie vibe about this one.  Nods to synthtastic John Carpenter film scores and the open tom toms that wouldn't be amiss in a Genesis track.

Area 3 - Mutation Nation - 1992

Early 90's breaks complete with guitar stabs.  Funky synth saxophone added for good measure... where are my high tops at?  Seriously I can picture those giant suits that were popular back in the day.

Yo! What's Up (Slam Court) - Street Hoop - 1994

Sticking with the hip hop vibes, this track features some voice samples.  You can clearly hear what's being said although it sounds like it's through an old cb radio.

BADEN National Golf Course Germany - Neo Turf Masters - 1996

Ahhhh yeaahhhh! Smooth easy listening jazz, great accompaniment before hitting the back nine and relaxing at the club house.  Fits in so well with the pace of the game.

Mes Volutes Bleues Ending - Viewpoint - 1992

I had a had time picking a single track from this game as there are so many good ones.  In the end the SWV 90's RnB vibe won out. I'm sure the drum roll is from Eric B and Rakim.

Boss - Prehistoric Isle 2 - 1999

Classical piece here, something about the crescendo part really stuck with me.

Before Match Demo - Fatal Fury 3 - 1995

Another solid classic toned piece here, slightly creepy start, would not be out of place in a castlevania.

Swordsman of Gekka Before Daybreak (Battle Music 1) - Last Blade OST  - 1998

It'd be a crime not to include something from the often overlooked Last Blade. A semi-romantic classical piece from a time where samurai were real samurai...

Maou Team Stage - Super Dodge Ball - 1996

Not quite sure where to place this one, techno rave style starting leads into pumping rock track.  Change in time signatures here too... just what you need when you face an end of level boss.

Boss Stage - The King of Fighters '99 Millennium Battle -1999

Loved the use of jet engine samples in this track.  Pumping techno working you up for another big bad.  Wouldn't be out of place in a modern day fighting game.

Stage 1 Music Dale of Evil Gods - Magician Lord - 1990

Reminded me of very early techno... before it even knew what it was. A quality example from early on in the arcade systems life. Sigue Sigue Sputnik anyone?

Dark Matter - Shock Troopers - 1997

The Shock Troopers sound track is full of drum and bass loops.  I picked this one out the bunch as it had the dark and moody vibe and very unpredictable breaks.  Another soundtrack to add to my rotation list.

Rolf Planet Airrass - Galaxy Fight Universal Warriors -1995

Time to rock out!  Nice pace to this one, with some good variety to keep you pumped up.

Stage of Earthquake  Ground - Samurai Showdown - 1993

Samurai showdown has some great thematic pieces for each fighter, but I was having difficulty placing any other than this beast of track.  Crank up the Judas Priest style guitar for this one.  I can feel my skin getting redder as my POW meter fills up!

Third Game, Semi Final - Super Sidekicks - 1992

A bit of thrash from a soccer game? Why not.

Chick Dance (Chung Stage) - Savage Reign - 1995

A good comedy rock piece, still tons of pace to it!

The Sunset Sky Part II (Last Stage Clear - Ending) - Last Resort - 1992

All good things mus come to and end. Closing credits track right here... walking off into the sunset.

Glorious Heart (Credit Roll) - Rage of The Dragons - 2002

Finishing on a feel good track, amazing to hear how far the speech samples came along from street hoops.

So that sums up the first Mixtape, thoughts below as always.

Monday 28 May 2018

AVGM#1 - The 60 Minute Shock!

Very First Mixtape!   60 Minutes (well just over) of NEO GEO soundtracks.

Read my thoughts on each track: http://avgmix.blogspot.com/2018/05/track-breakdown-for-avgm1.html

Theme: NEO GEO
Title: The 60 Minute shock!
Track listing in order:
Shoot!! (Tiled Court) - Windjammers -1994
Taku-Hatu-Rock (Sokaku Mochizuki) - Real Bout Fatal Fury Special -1997
Exuding Courage (Justice) - Magical Drop II - 1996
Love So 'Radio Active Mix' (Sky Stage 2) - Twinkle Star Sprites -1996
The Sun Also Sets - Waku Waku 7 - 1996
Street Battle (Area 2) - NAM-1975 - 1990
Area 3 - Mutation Nation - 1992
Yo! What's Up (Slam Court) - Street Hoop - 1994
BADEN National Golf Course Germany - Neo Turf Masters - 1996
Mes Volutes Bleues Ending - Viewpoint - 1992
Boss - Prehistoric Isle 2 - 1999
Before Match Demo - Fatal Fury 3 - 1995
Swordsman of Gekka Before Daybreak (Battle Music 1) - Last Blade OST  - 1998
Maou Team Stage - Super Dodge Ball - 1996
Boss Stage - The King of Fighters '99 Millennium Battle -1999
Stage 1 Music Dale of Evil Gods - Magician Lord - 1990
Dark Matter - Shock Troopers - 1997
Rolf Planet Airrass - Galaxy Fight Universal Warriors -1995
Stage of Earthquake  Ground - Samurai Showdown - 1993
Third Game, Semi Final - Super Sidekicks - 1992
Chick Dance (Chung Stage) - Savage Reign - 1995
The Sunset Sky Part II (Last Stage Clear - Ending) - Last Resort - 1992
Glorious Heart (Credit Roll) - Rage of The Dragons - 2002

Check out the rationale post for thoughts...
Comments and critique accepted below!

Saturday 26 May 2018

Powering up... VRAM CHECK OK!

Busy making first mixtape. Audacity  being a great help with the first attempt at mixing tracks... some of the change overs are cringe-worthy.

Reckon i've picked out a good 25 tracks, coming together for around 60 minutes.  More on the them next post!

Planning on adding pdfs for cd case artwork and label.  Going whole hog for cassette tape cover?  Can I even get it on to a cassette in 2018?

Playing around on Gimp later.

Here's a bit of a hint on the theme for you...